Monday 19 May 2014

The Weather - Lisbon vs Christchurch


Today we're going to explore the weather differences between Lisbon and Christchurch.

Both places are similar in terms of temperature amplitude -- 21ºC. The difference is that Christchurch is a bit cooler, varying between 1ºC and 22ºC on average. Lisbon varies between 8ºC and 29ºC, also on average.

Lisbon (light blue) vs Christchurch

Comparing time spent in different temperature bands:

Guess I have to pack warm clothes!

The lowest minimum temperatures on Christchurch almost reach the freezing point, and rarely go below -3ºC. Lisbon rarely goes below 4ºC.

In Lisbon it doesn't snow. Only in very rare occasions it has happened. In Christchurch it's a different story, it snows in the winter time:

Halswell Domain, Christchurch

It's also a lot cloudier than in Lisbon, but that's expected. Lisbon is one of the sunniest cities in Europe:

Of course that if it's cooler and cloudier it also rains a lot more in Christchurch. New Zealand is in the middle of the ocean, so I guess it's normal that they have a lot more rain. Comparing both cities again:

I think there's no point in exploring sun light and dominant winds, they're not so different.

I hope this gives you an idea on what it's like in Christchurch, I'll try to decide what clothes I should include in my baggage based on this information.

All this info was taken from, none of it belongs to me.

See you next time.


  1. é melhor levares roupa para o verão da NZ .

    1. Tenho de comprar umas coisas da neve =)
