Monday 27 October 2014

Kaikoura II


just the Youtube video from the Dolphin Encounter.


North Island XII - Wellington II

Kia Ora

More about the North Island trip. The last post, actually. The day after this second day in Wellington we flew back to Christchurch.

We had breakfast at a French café and went for a walk, waiting for he others to joins us at the Museum.

The Museum.

And some photos from the inside:

Giant squid on display

The café

Maori house

And a quick drink after dinner.

That's it for the North Island. Next post will probably be a video from the dolphins in Kaikoura.


Saturday 25 October 2014



This week we decided to take a break. It had been a while since we did anything new. The North Island trip was in September!

We decided to go to Kaikoura, known for its wildlife. So we rented a car and a tent a just went for it. And it was probably the best two-day break so far in New Zealand.

Jesper and I with El Cheapo (the car)

The first day we just wandered about. We stopped for the view and checked the last whaling house in Kaikoura. Built on whale bones.

Fyffe House

The pantry
 The woman taking care of the house doesn't have a dog, she has a seal:

Just chilling in the garden

 We also checked the limestone caves. Nothing special, but it was nice.

After this we headed for our camp-site and set up camp. A free DOC camp by the sea.

Dinner time:

And a walk after dinner:

And now the best part. The second day. We woke up at 6am, had breakfast, and headed for our main activity of the day: Swimming with dolphins.

Ready for the briefing

The weather was amazing. Sunshine, quiet sea, mountains in the background, dolphins all around.

The dolphins are completely wild but very curious and friendly. They just swim around the boat and around people.

We rented a GoPro camera and took it with us to the water:

Me and Viktoria

Me underwater


We also have video of the dolphins underwater. I'll have to edit it and upload it later.
Lunch break:

And after lunch we went for a small hike.

The scenery was amazing, mountains with snow on one side, sea and rocks on the other.

And we weren't expecting to find any more wildlife, but we did. A lot!

Going down the cliff
Clear waters

Lots and lots of seals

And millions of birds

Back to the car:

And drove back to Christchurch. Awesome two days!


North Island XI - Wellington

Kia Ora

Wellington, capital city!

Around Queen's Wharf

We went for a walk around town at sunset.

Wellington has a friendly vibe. It feels nice walking around. It was everyone's favourite city in New Zealand so far.

And it actually looked like a city. Something new in our road trip.

And then we found a place to eat. A pizzeria!

The food was pretty good. Viktoria had an ice cream for dessert -- olive oil ice cream! with black rock salt. It sounds strange but it was amazing, one of the best ice creams I've tasted.

We found an exposition of fire-trucks lol

Next time, more Wellington lol
