Wednesday 15 October 2014

North Island VIII - Taupo

Kia Ora!

After the Huka Falls we stayed at a camp-site with a lounge. A lounge! We had just been or inside the car or outside in the cold. Of course we invaded it. We also had WiFi for the first time in a week, so everyone was busy with their phones:

A few beers to celebrate

We also had a chance to shower and wash our clothes.

And a nice lunch in Taupo:

The first restaurant in a loooong time. 

We also went for a bike ride:

We rented some bikes and helmets. If you're caught without a helmet it's instant $50 fine...

Lunch after the bike ride. From a nice restaurant in the previous day to this:

Soup and sausages

Lunch at the car park

Then we headed to Tongariro National Park, the next day we had a long way to walk:

Typical NZ photo - Location click
Next time: Tongariro Great Walk

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