Thursday 16 October 2014

North Island IX - Tongariro


Tongariro, also known as Mordor:

Location - click

This was our big hike in the North Island. It was supposed to be a multi-day one, but it was too cols with ice and snow on a major part of the track.
Driving to the starting point:

Mountains, when they don't have bad weather, they make it.

Everyone ready to go. Location - click

The beginning of the track was actually forest-like:

And then cleared up:

And the landscape changed to this:

The temperature started to drop as we gained altitude. We were actually lucky with the weather, almost always just behind the rain.

After about 7.5Km we reached Lower Tama Lake. The fist photo's from there.

It was so windy that you could lean back and the wind supported you:

Time to head back, with the weather catching up:

No sign of civilization in sight, apart from the track.

On top of the waterfall on the way back

Back to the car. The weather a bit better.

Kenta and I in the front, but I was almost ever the only one awake:

On the way to the next camp. The colours at sunset were usually really awesome.

No effects. Real colours.

Next time: the other van gets lost and a rather disappointing waterfall. 

Bye =)


  1. Bem, esse por do sol é magnifico ! Parece que a foto é editada mesmo. Encontras-te o anel :P ?

    1. Ya era bem laranja. Não lol não vi anel nenhum...
