Friday 4 July 2014

London III - Zoo


A visit to the London Zoo - ZLS

Song: The First Donuts - Bigg Bluff

Check out these little guys:

These monkeys were inside a closed zone called Rainforest Life and they moved all around us:

I was very tempted to touch them but we were advised not to touch any animals.

Then I went to the Tiger territory:

The entrance.

I didn't have much luck with the tigers, the male was asleep and the female was taking care of her cubs.

That's all =)


  1. Muito Fixe! Também já aí estive mesmo na cena dos saguins que andam por cima de nós, já dos tigres estou com inveja pois é das melhores instalações da europa e quando estive aí estava em obras :P Abraço
